BAFI Finance
2 min readMar 31, 2021


BAFI FINANCE is decentralized finance emitter and Automated market maker (AMM) built on the binance chain.

Bafi Swap is made up of two smart contracts: the Exchange contract and the Factory contract. Both Solidity and Vyper have been used to build the smart contracts. Anyone can use web3 to access Bafiswap and incorporate Bafiswap features into their apps.

Bafi finance is decentralized exchange running on binance smart chain , with lots of other features that let you swap tokens, provide liquidity, stake and farm tokens, conduct IDO, bridge cross-chain tokens and lots more.



Users can use our automated market maker to swap or trade two tokens on the Binance Smart Chain.


We also set up a range of pools where users can stake their BAFI tokens and gain more BAFI tokens. Simply stake BAFI tokens in your preferred pools to win BAFI tokens.


Pools are nothing more than Bafi Protocol-enabled smart contracts. They are worth at least two BEP20 tokens. Each token asset has its own weight and can be exchanged for any other token in the pool.

IDO (Initial Dex offering)

Projects can launch their IDO on bafi finance IDO page provided they meet the required criteria for listing of IDO on bafi finance launchpad.

Also, a user who wishes to participate in any IDO listed on our launchpad must possess a minimum of 100 BAFI.

All IDO conducted on our launchpad will automatically be listed on bafi finance exchange at the end of the IDO.

BAFI farming pools

✅BNB / BAFI LP pool

✅BAFI/ bake LP pool

✅BAFI/cake LP pool

✅BAFI pool



Additional pools will be added as demands increase.

Why Binance Chain?

Smart contract transactions have been faced with the challenges of high transaction fees on the ethereum block chain. We have come with the solution to these challenges. All traders will be able to interact with the smart chain contract with little or no cost. Hence, the need for binance chain.

How to connect MetaMask to Binance smart chain?

Here we’ll show you how to connect your MetaMask with Binance smart chain mainnet

We are assuming that you already have MetaMask installed on your browser. If you are new then use this MetaMask tutorial. It explains how to setup and use MetaMask wallet.

Once your MetaMask wallet is ready follow the steps below to enable Binance smart chain on MetaMask.

Connecting MetaMask to BSC Mainnet

1. On your MetaMask wallet drop down your accounts and go to settings page.

metamask settings page

2. Choose network from the menu and click add new network.

metamask custom network

3. Now enter the details as follows.

Network Name: BSC Mainnet


ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

binance smart chain metamask connect

Once done click save to add BSC Mainnet to your MetaMask wallet.



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BAFI Finance

BAFI is a decentrealized deFi Staking,Farming and Gaming platform.